Saturday 4/19/14 on KLED Live FM (91.1)
You will get to hear from my POPCAT MONDAYS Creator, Co-Producer/ Co-Host DARIN SANONE.
We graced the stage of the Academy Awards with Debbie Allen back in the day!
Our Grand Re-Opening is MONDAY, April 21st, 7pm at RAGE in West Hollywood, California.
ALSO – Special Surprise Celebrity Guest……You Don’t Want To Miss This!!!!!!!!!!
We will be broadcasting on KLED Live FM and Live streaming video on KLEO-TV……………..
I will be breaking Recording Artist Karine Da Silva’s debut single “MIRACLE” witten and produced by David Miranda, engineering and additional production by Joseph Galloway/Jonite Studios, Lacy Darryl Phillips aka Uncle Earl/Earl Hitz Records – vocal & musical arrangement producer.
That’s enough chatter for now…..Just Check It Out…..Blessings, Love & Magic…..I Mean MIRACLES! :O))
Musical Artists Include:
Fenix, Digital Wes, DJ Stormm, Seventh Tower, Steve Mohacey, J.J. McCabe, Sinan Mercenk ft. Neslihan Isik, Big Bang Zoom, DJ N-Joy ft. Uncle Earl, Karine Da Silva!
Broadcast # 218
Saturday (4/19/14) 9am – 10am (PST) & 9pm – 10pm (PST) at
Direct Links also on website:
Podcast will be available on iTunes. Podomatic and Website!