UNCLE EARL Will Be In The House For World Renowned Artist Cao Yong flying in from China to attend Special Art Show on May 28th, 2014!

World Renowned Artist Cao Yong flying in from China to attend our Art Show on May 28th, 2014 – New Press Release

Public Relations/Media Contact: Derek Tadashi Takeuchi
Ph: (424) 213-0996 E-mail: derektadashitakeuchi@gmail.com

The Biggest Outdoor Business Mixer & Art Show featuring World Renowned Artist Cao Yong In Celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) & all of the Media Attention We would like to Officially and Proudly Announce Artist Cao Yong is traveling from China to Attend The “FREEDOM” Show – On May 28th, 2014 from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. – We invite All Media –



At the Kaleidoscope – 27741 Crown Valley Parkway Mission Viejo CA 92691.
www.trunetworking.com – www.trueARTmovement.com




MISSION VIEJO, CA – PLEASE SEE PREVIOUS PRESS RELEASE @http://www.pr.com/press-release/555158

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) – Which is now officially proclaimed Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, is a celebration of the culture, traditions, and history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

History – In June 1977 Reps. Frank Horton of New York and Norman Y. Mineta of California introduced a United States House of Representatives resolution to proclaim for the first ten days of May as Asian-Pacific Heritage Week. A similar bill was introduced in the Senate a month later by Daniel Inouye and Spark Matsunaga. “The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants. President Jimmy Carter would sign a joint resolution for the celebration on October 5, 1978. In 1990, George H.W. Bush signed a bill passed by Congress to extend Asian-American Heritage Week to a month. Reference: wikipedia.org





Presidential Proclamation in Press Release sent out on May 1, 2014 by the White House Press Secretary – NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim May 2014 as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I call upon all Americans to

visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/AAPI to learn more about the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities. Reference: WhiteHouse.gov
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-eighth. BARACK OBAMA





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 The“FREEDOM”Show – Was very appropriately selected as the“NEW”name for their show by Japanese owner of Takeuchi Galleries,  Derek Tadashi Takeuchi in honor of the first Celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.  He stated more importantly, what this show really represents is a group of Proud Americans collaborating for the good of others. The title is actually from one of artist Cao Yong’s most well-known pieces of art titled FREEDOM, which was a dedication to all those who lost their lives in the attack upon America on September 11, 2001. He stated,”Freedom is not just a painting, it is something he poured all of his heart and soul into. It is about the spirit of liberty, about the dream of peace, about the universality of love, about the power of determination and last not but not least, about the hope for mankind. It serves to remind us that though evil may end human lives, it will never destroy the human soul. He also dedicated it to America and to all of the people throughout the world who love freedom, democracy and peace. These ideas are not limited by the boundaries of race, or faith, but unite all of us on earth and light the way of the future.  ”This painting since has been honored, celebrated, awarded and is known throughout the world.  “FREEDOM” was one of the four images that was featured in Times Square on the 4 NASDAQ Buildings in NYC for an entire week, not just once, but he was invited back two additional times, a total of 3 times in 2013.  Cao Yong, has traveled the world and we are proud to inform you he has chosen California to call his home. However he is currently and has been in China to oversee the building of the Cao Yong Museum, a museum when completed will host between 5,000 to 10,000 guests daily.








Mr. Dan Barrett, of English decent, who created this event is an incredibly dynamic businessman with a true spirit of the American Entrepreneur; in the field of Social Networking for well over 25 years, after he and Mr. Takeuchi met, he was extremely excited about the artist Cao Yong and Mr. Takeuchi’s extensive background in the Art Business and PR and marketing and quickly welcomed a collaboration between their two companies, Tru Social Networking & Takeuchi Galleries. Thank you Tina Hoffman of Menagerie Entertainment for the intro. Mr. Takeuchi and his partner, co-owner of Takeuchi Galleries, Gabe Pagtama who is Filipino, a Pacific Islander, quickly went to work creating a major publicity campaign for the event.






A very important contact of both Cao Yong, Inc. and Takeuchi Galleries was Mr. Arnold Garcia, who is also Filipino, the owner of Shine On Hollywood Magazine




informed Mr. Takeuchi & Qing Yong, , Cao Yong’s sister that he wanted to help promote Cao’s show. What exciting news.




This meant major and global exposure before they even launched their publicity campaign.




To better understand what this meant, if one was to Google the generic term, Hollywood Magazine, they would get about 437,000,000 (Million) results. SOHM has been ranked in the top 3 spots for almost a year now, actually #1 the last 2 weeks with a viewership of 150,000 to 250,000 per day.









Their international publicity campaign was also tremendously successful with media outlets featuring this event globally, it gets better yet, only two days ago they were told by Qing that Cao Yong had decided to travel from China to attend the event and join them as well as all of his many fans and art collectors.


They were so excited that a true living Modern Day Master was going to attend their event. Cao Yong humbly said, “he has been told how hard they have worked promoting his show and art and said he is definitely a proud Asian American so he must attend this event to support their diligent efforts as well as the fact that America has honored all of our rich heritages this special month.” Could there be a better example of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month than being honored with such a uniquely diverse and wonderful collaboration? Special thanks to Mr. Dan Barrett.



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Takeuchi Galleries


Tru Social Networking and Takeuchi Galleries Proudly Presents the Biggest Outdoor Biz Mixer & Art Show Featuring World Renowned Artist Cao Yong in an Exclusive Gallery
Additional featured artists from LA County and Orange County. Carol Hungerford, Gus Harper, Jan Loyd Goverts, Lana Del Svetlana (Miss Ukraine) and many more. It’s a one day event on May 28th, 2014 from 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.; at the Kaleidoscope – 27741 Crown Valley Parkway Mission Viejo CA 92691.

Mission Viejo, CA, May 03, 2014 –(PR.com)– Tru Social Networking and Takeuchi Galleries invite you to attend one of the most innovative and creative collaborations to re-adapt to the new age in which the world lives. In a time of absolute confusion due to the complexities of the modern world and its technological shifts, a rapidly growing group of entrepreneurs and business-persons refuse to accept adversity as simply what has become normal today. Instead they have embraced it as a challenge and view it as an opportunity to be creative, resourceful, solution based thinkers. Rather than give up, this group of net workers have taken these circumstances to empower themselves, to pull together and view it as an opportunity to successfully and collectively grow, an ancient but effective concept, to help one another.

Tru Social Networking – The fastest growing networking group in the Orange County Area with over 800+ loyal members with membership growing daily. Tru Social Networking has taken the entire common area on an entire floor of the Kaleidoscope Shopping Center in order to accommodate hundreds of business professionals to network and promote their businesses the “Good Old Fashion Way,” face-to-face and in person. As a result, many new business relationships and some personal friendships have developed from our group. Tru Social Networking wants you to have an enjoyable experience, so they have 10 restaurant sponsors providing Free Food and Stars and Bars will offer Happy Hour Drink specials. With up to 80 vendors and conservatively 500 business people, obviously this is the place to be. A partner company of Tru Social Networking, Tru Social Zing will be revealing new technology to help build your social media network more efficiently, effectively and even reveal secret techniques and strategies to those attending. Hurry and reserve one of the few networking tables left for the low cost of only $175. Owner Dan Barret says, “it is our responsibility to help others.” Contact: him @ Ph: (949) 566-5446; Email – dan@marketprintplus.com Website – www.truenetworking.com

Takeuchi Galleries – Takeuchi Galleries proudly presents the world renowned artist Cao Yong. A modern day master who is incredibly diverse in many styles. Cao Yong will feature paintings of scenery from his worldwide travels, beautiful portraits in his Spring Garden Series, his own impressionistic style with vibrant colors to his tribute to America depicting the horrific September 11 incident as well as other historical events, called Freedom. The Declaration of Independence and even some of his early surrealistic series from Tibet. Takeuchi Galleries assures art lovers and collectors alike will be fascinated with the mastery of his works. The Cao Yong Museum is currently being built in China, which will host 5,000 to 10,000+ guests daily. In 2013 Cao Yong was featured on the 4 NASDAQ Buildings in New York’s Times Square 3 times for an entire week. Simultaneously videos showcasing his art and Cao Yong’s incredible story were played dozens of times as well. Although Cao Yong is world-renowned, this is not the criteria for Takeuchi Galleries art shows. They hand select their artists from hundreds of submissions based on talent and skillset. Known or unknown artists have an equal chance to be featured as it is their objective to help any aspiring artist with talent. Derek Tadashi Takeuchi, an artist himself, states that his company strives to help “ignite the greatness in others.” Come experience our incredibly inspirational and creative energy. For more information go towww.trueartmovement.com www.caoyong.us also “Like” their fan page @ Takeuchi Galleries Facebook.

Shine On Hollywood Magazine – Cao Yong was featured on the cover of the May 2013 issue. This issue included an exclusive interview and large selections of many of his paintings. The cover was one of the 4 images featured on the 4 NASDAQ Building in Times Square. Currently rated the #1 Hollywood Magazine (they have been consistently in the top 3 this entire year) has once again 6 pages of advertisement to help promote our show in the April 2014 issue. This magazine is unique in the sense that it highlights the good in Hollywood instead of the negative. As a result of Shine on Hollywood Magazine’s positive attitude, combined with the highest level of quality and integrity of its content, this magazine has drawn worldwide recognition. Their mission statement reads, “Dedicated to providing a positive, meaningful and educational experience to inspire our readers with knowledge and information from creative qualified industry professionals.” For more information go to:http://shineonhollywoodmagazine.com/

Media Invited – Interviews Available – Photo Opportunities

Public Relations/Media Contact Derek Tadashi Takeuchi Ph: (424) 213-0996 E-mail: derektadashitakeuchi@gmail.com

Contact InformationTakeuchi Galleries
Derek Takeuchi
(424) 213-0996
Gabe Pagtama (310) 869-5799

Cover of Shine On Hollywood Magazine with portrait of Artist Cao Yong on the NASDAQ Building in Times Square, New York

This is 1 of the 4 images that were featured in Times Square. The other 3 were of Cao Yong’s Art Works. Cao Yong and his Art Work were featured on all 4 NASDAQ Buildings in New York a total of 3 times in 2013 for a week long each time. A video of his Art and story was featured dozens of times also.

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Artist Cao Yong on the NASDAQ Buildings in Times Square, New York

Takeuchi Galleries is proud to present Artist Cao Yong. The art work titled Freedom was a Tribute to 9/11 as well as many other historical events in American History. This is one of the four images featured on the NASDAQ Buildings in Times Square in New York.

Artist Cao Yong featuring art work, Catilina, My Love on the NASDAQ Buildings in Times Square, New York

Takeuchi Galleries is proud to present Artist Cao Yong. This art work is titled Catalina, My Love. Art work #2 featured on the NASDAQ Buildings in Times Square in New York. He painted this shortly after Takeuchi Galleries owner Derek Tadashi Takeuchi had the pleasure of meeting him 17 years ago.

Artist Cao Yong featuring art work, China on the NASDAQ Buildings in Times Square, New York

Takeuchi Galleries is proud to present Artist Cao Yong. This art work is titled China. Art work #3 featured on the NASDAQ Buildings in Times Square in New York. He painted the country he loves that he came from. Cao Yong very much loves not only America, he has chosen California as his primary home.

Cao Yong and President George Bush at The White House

As President George Bush has recently announced to the World that not only does he love, appreciate and collect art, he is an artist himself as he revealed his entire collection he has been working on for years. In an interview on NBC Today he said he thanks the masters that inspire him.

Cao Yong featured in Art Business News Magazine in an exclusive interview in an issue regarding the Top Artist to watch

Art Business News is a top rated international publication featuring Cao Yong as one of the Top Artists to watch. They were very accurate in their predictions of his continued success. In 2013 his art was featured 3 times in Times Square and currently in China, they are building the Cao Yong Museum.

Cao Yong featured on the front cover of Shine On Hollywood Magazine

In May 2013 Cao Yong was featured on the cover of Shine On Hollywood Magazine in an exclusive article telling his incredible story as well as over half the magazine showcasing a vast array of his art works. Then the cover & 3 art works were featured 3 times on the 4 NASDAQ buildings in Times Square.

Click here to view the list of recent Press Releases from Takeuchi Galleries